Thursday, November 27, 2008

Santiago del Estero 2008: Kirchnerists again?

Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri and José Alberto López Rafaschieri

Coming November 30, 2008, the inhabitants of the province of Santiago del Estero, in Argentina, will elect regional authorities. In this dispute, the Governor’s seat is the most important. The aspirants in this contest are:

Gerardo Zamora (Kirchnerist, seeking reelection)

Antonio Calabrese (Coalicion Civica)

Rosendo Allub

Marcelo Lugones

Francisco Cavallotti

Andrea Ruiz

Vicente Lo Bruno

Aldo Bravo

Francisco Vargas

Rosendo Salto

Gerardo Zamora and Antonio Calabrese are the more likely to be elected. The problem with Zamora is his alliance with Kirchner and his radical leftist ideology based on Peronism.

According to some Argentine pollsters, the current Governor Gerardo Zamora has the advantage in this race. However, since last month we have noticed that Antonio Calabrese is gaining momentum.

Related articles:

- Obama's victory will give a blow to the Latin leftism

- Coca and property rights under the Bolivian draft Constitution

- Analysis of the results of the Venezuela 2008 regional elections

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Analysis of the results of the Venezuela 2008 regional elections: Chavism won in quantity but Chavez’s opponents achieved the strategic victory

José Alberto López Rafaschieri and Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri

If we see the results of the November 23 Venezuelan elections in a general way, all indications are that Chavism demonstrated superiority over their opponents, as it took the majority of mayors and governors of the Venezuelan territory. So that we can say that, in quantity, Chavez was the winner.

But if we consider only the victories of chavists and opponents in areas of great importance, those who stand out because of population density, political influence and economic/cultural development, we could assert that the opposition was the winner of the strategic places.

We say this because the major population centers in Venezuela, as well as the capitals of national economic and political power, are in the territories: Capital District, Miranda State, Zulia State, Carabobo State, Vargas State, Bolivar State, Anzoategui State, Lara State, Tachira State, Aragua State, Chacao Municipality of Miranda State, Baruta Municipality of Miranda State, Sucre Municipality of Miranda State, Libertador Municipality of Capital District and Maracaibo Municipality of Zulia State. In these regions, the opposition won most of the seats.

Can you figure out an emerging political party in USA winning elections in California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois and Pennsylvania? This was what Chavez’s opponents did in Venezuela.

However, we must mention that the opposition didn’t take control of other key regions due to its inability to achieve unity, where the cases of Bolivar State and Anzoategui State highlight. With these States, the “strategic” victory over Chavism would have been greater.

On the other hand, it is remarkable for the opposition the Carlos Ocariz’s victory in the Sucre municipality of Miranda State, a region where Petare and many of the poorest areas of Venezuela are located. So this victory contradicts the assertion that dispossessed are with Chavez.

After the last elections, we must recognize that today Chavez’s opponents have gained power, becoming stronger than before. In the 2004 elections for the regional seats, the opposition had only won two governorships, now it has triumphed in six.

Related articles:

- Obama's victory will give a blow to the Latin leftism

- The invasion of Georgia and the leftists' double standards

- Coca and property rights under the Bolivian draft Constitution

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A New Constitution for Bolivia in 2009 would put conditions on private property and would protect Coca

Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri and José Alberto López Rafaschieri

Here you can download the contents of the Constitution draft approved by the Constituent Assembly of Bolivia on Sunday, December 9, 2007. This proposed Constitution will be submitted to a popular referendum on next January 25, 2009.

Click here to download the full text –in Spanish- of the draft Constitution that Evo Morales and his supporters want for Bolivia.

We read the whole project and we think it is very inclined to Statism. Besides its content has a Marxists aspect, especially with regard to private property and its social function.

In general we recommend paying attention to Article 56, which stipulates that the right to private property is guaranteed only if it satisfies a social function. And to Article 57, which contains the government’s constitutional right to expropriate any property that does not fulfill a social function.

That means virtually the abolition of private property, because possessions are permitted only if they meet collective interests or social objectives. Karl Marx couldn’t have written it better.

But there are more, because article 172, paragraph 27, establish the President as the highest authority of the Bolivian Service of Agrarian Reform, which gives the President special powers for the distribution and redistribution of land.

Then call attention to the articles 393 and 397, which again decreed that the State recognizes the ownership of land, if and only if, it has a social function or a social economic function. It is further indicated that work is the fundamental source for the acquisition and preservation of agricultural property –another Marxist idea- and that if the properties do not meet their social function, or social economic function, do not safeguard their rights.

In sum, we can say that this draft Constitution subordinates private property’s rights to the socialist ideology, which is a violation of basic human rights agreed in the United Nations.

Finally, we drew attention to the shelter that this draft constitution grants to coca, considering it original and ancestral -Article 348 – But If the constituents want to justify the planting of coca with the argument that it is part of the Bolivian tradition and culture, they should think more carefully. What they propose is like justifying sexism, arguing that it is part of the tradition and culture of some country.

Our wish is that Afghanistan and Colombia do not copy this botanic proposal, and come in to protect opium and poppy in their Constitutions, because we would have a flood of narcotics worldwide.

Therefore, we have no doubt that if the Bolivians decide to approve this defective Constitution draft, it will be require a constitutional amendment within a few years.

Related articles:

- Obama's victory will give a blow to the Latin leftism

- Is Barack Obama a socialist?

- The invasion of Georgia and the leftists' double standards

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Russia’s invasion of Georgia showed the leftists' double standards

José Alberto López Rafaschieri and Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri

When the government of George W. Bush waged war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the international Left went into hysteria, outraged by what they said was a violation of the self-determination right and an abuse of power by the Yankees.

But when the Russian government decided to illegally invade the defenseless nation of Georgia, bringing in its wake a wave of killings and human rights violations, the international Left looked elsewhere and said nothing.

Rather, their radical representatives, those like Hugo Chavez who dream of the return of the tyrannical Soviet Union, were devoted to insulting the Georgian people, prompting the Russians to use their military power to conquer Georgia and all the former soviet republics.

This exposes the double standards with which the leftists deceive their followers. What the Socialists criticize is worse when they have the power.

Russia has left Georgia, due to protests raised by the civilized world, but we wonder when will the double standards disappear from the leftism?

Related articles:

- Obama's victory will give a blow to the Latin leftism

- Is Barack Obama a socialist?

- U.S. 2008 financial crisis: Origin & ideological implications

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Obama’s economic background is his Achilles' Heel

Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri and José Alberto López Rafaschieri

Yesterday, November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected president of the United States, which means that from next year, he will lead the nation toward solving their main problems.

One of his first tasks will involve addressing the United States financial crisis, where recession, problems with mortgages, high inflation, fiscal and trade deficit, highlight.

However, we have reasons to believe that Obama may lack the capacity to deal with these economic problems. We should consider that at this stage and although the economic issue was key in the final part of the presidential race, Obama has not provided a specific strategy to address the shortcomings of the current economy.

So far, Obama has talked about the financial debacle in general terms, proposing to modify the Bush bailout plan with ideas such as limiting pay for executives of businesses that are bailed out and making sure the effort includes a specific plan for the money to be repaid.

Obama has made a prevention project to avoid future financial trouble, but his country not only requires a prevention plan for the future, it also demands a good proposal to solve the present crisis.

In addition, we have to remember that during his time as a candidate, Obama never showed a brilliant speech on economic issues -as we have been explaining this is not his strong suit- His more attractive proposals were those related to social security, education, health, foreign policy and social inclusion.

Related articles:

- Obama's victory will give a blow to the Latin leftism

- Is Barack Obama a socialist?

- Punishment vote and anti-Bush sentiment favored Obama

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Punishment vote and anti-Bush sentiment in favor of Obama

José Alberto López Rafaschieri and Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri

Everything indicates that Barack Obama will run away with the United States 2008 presidential elections, but we must recognize that not all the votes that Obama will get will come from his leadership or his proposals.

The rise of Barack Obama is also a direct consequence of the two issues that have hammered George W. Bush and the Republican Party: the war in Iraq and the economy.

That's why the Democrats based part of their election campaign on criticism of the George W. Bush administration, accusing it of taking decisions which led to the current financial crisis and the failure in Iraq.

In fact, Obama and his supporters want to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq as soon as possible and put an end to the Bush policy of “tax cuts for the rich”. Two proposals pleasant to the anti-Bush sentiment and to those who use the vote as a punishing instrument -punishment vote-

Therefore, while it’s true that Obama has the potential to succeed primarily with his ideas, it’s also true that he has benefited greatly from their discredited opponents.

Related articles:

- Obama's victory would give a blow to the Latin leftism

- Is Barack Obama a socialist?

- U.S. 2008 financial crisis: Origin & ideological implications