Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri and José Alberto López Rafaschieri
During April 2009, we made the following question to the visitors of our Spanish website
How would you rate the performance of Jose Miguel Insulza as Secretary General of the OAS?
We gave three options and each received the following percentage of votes:
1) Excellent, 8%
2) Regular, 19%
3) Poor, 73%
Antidemocratic threats in Latin America have found in Jose Miguel Insulza the ideal neglected official, thus it does not surprise us that Insulza's work has been rated as poor in this survey.
During his presence at the General Secretariat of the OAS, Insulza has seen, among other things, Chavez's dream of destroying democracy in Latin America grow up, the shift of power between Castro brothers in Cuba at the best style of medieval monarchies, Correa's actions against Ecuadorian institutions, Uribe's intentions to remain in the presidency of Colombia, the racism with which Evo Morales makes politics in Bolivia and the increasing attacks on the press in the region.
So what did Insulza do? Simply wait and see, contrary to the duties imposed upon his position -especially in articles 110, 111 and 118 of the OAS Charter-
Due to his actions, it seems that the only concerns of the present Secretary of the OAS were to reintegrate Cuba into the OAS and to prepare his launch in Chilean politics, remaining unconcerned of everything else.
Related articles:
- Latino leaders and the 2009 Summit of the Americas