José Alberto López Rafaschieri and Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri
As easy as when Paul the octopus chooses his oyster: “economic interests will prevail,” says almost everyone who has an opinion on the current Colombia-Venezuela border spat.
They do not take into account the ideological factor, because, apparently, some experts believe that modern man is born without the brain's right hemisphere, which makes him a perfectly rational being who does not know of emotions, superstition, prejudice, or imagination.
They also do not consider the position of other sectors in both countries, because, according to them, the only ones that count in this matter are certain Colombian exporters who are apparently lobbying to recover the Venezuelan market. What about the Armed Forces, the electorate, the media, politicians and businessmen that do not trade with Venezuela? All this is out of their speculations. The division of Venezuelan society is neither mentioned in their analysis, nor the position of other interested countries, such as Cuba, Brazil or the U.S., for example.
Everyone that analyzes the diplomatic tensions between Colombia and Venezuela is based, mostly, on economicist hypothesis to predict that conflicts between Chavez and Colombia will disappear with the arrival of Santos. Unfortunately, we suspect they will soon realize that homo economicus existed only in the imagination of John Stuart Mill.
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