Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Chavism had never been so weak as now"

Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri and José Alberto López Rafaschieri

In an interview for two Ukrainian newspapers, "Politikantrop" (in english) and "Third Republic" (in Ukrainian), we spoke about the current Venezuelan political crisis, making a comparison also between this process and that experienced by Ukraine recently. These are some quotes from the mentioned conversations:
"The political unrest in Venezuela was this time caused by economic measures such as a maxi-devaluation of the Venezuelan currency, hardening of exchange rate policy, price controls and judicial persecution of business owners. These policies have promoted the most severe inflation rate of the Chavista era, over 50% last year, and the worst scarcity of basic products in decades. In general, you cannot find milk, cement, bathroom paper, sugar, cooking oil, autoparts, flour, etc. in the Venezuelan markets."
"We have worse problems than those that provoke the fall of previous Venezuelan political elites. Maduro does not have the charisma of Chavez. He is unpopular even among sectors of the ruling party. Chavism had never been so weak as now." 
"In Ukraine, the current administration has a bad record dealing with people problems, the country is polarized between two main groups, and sovereignty is a critical issue. The role of Russia in the breaking of the agreement of Ukraine and the European Union cause discomfort in many sectors.
Certainly, we can encounter similarities, only change Russia for Cuba in our history. The ethnic variable, in Ukraine, is perhaps the most significant difference."

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