Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Poll: Honduras must elect new president to tackle crisis

Luis Alberto López Rafaschieri and José Alberto López Rafaschieri

During the first 15 days of August 2009, we made the following question to the visitors of our Spanish website

What action is most appropriate to tackle the political crisis in Honduras?

We gave two options, and each received the following percentage of votes:

1) Hold elections to appoint new president, 69%

2) Return Zelaya to the presidency, 31%


In Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, the congress, the court and the Armed Forces are involved in questionable acts that need a judicial inquiry. Hence, returning Zelaya to power, or leaving Micheletti in charge longer, do not seem reasonable options.

Therefore, holding elections to elect new president just may be the most viable action to tackle the political crisis in Honduras, as this survey says.

Related articles:

- If Zeleya returned to power...

- Insulza's OAS: A national liberation movement?

- Most Hondurans justify the removal of Zelaya


  1. Friends, as a honduran you must realize a couple things:

    70% of the people in Honduras dont have a computer with internet and they way to get to it is using the infamous "internet cafe" places, which arent even open in a situation like this.

    The other 30% are made of: People from the large cities who are brainwashed by a large media fence.

    People living in the USA, who has barely any idea whats really happening in Honduras

    People who dont care.

    So in conclusion: you will notice a lot of honduran "golpistas" in the internet, but that doenst make justice to whats really happening in the country.


  2. Very good point on observation! It does seem that all major governmental institutions engaged in some irregularity or perhaps super-institutional (acting beyond regular functions of the institution) actions, such as the supreme court, legislature, army, and even Zelaya for trying to push ahead with the referendum. At least Zelaya's actions are more clear. The supreme court, legislature, army are less transparent in their actions and legal justifications. Of course, when institutions go beyond regular legal and regular procedures on the basis of "saving democracy" or "stopping Zelaya" - then their legititmacy. In this case, I would agree there need to be new elections since the citizens have the real power in a democracy AND they should decide their government. HOWEVER, it is questionabloe whether the de facto current government can legitimately run the elections. The OAS or other international body would seem to be the opnly option to run and monitor new elections in Honduras.


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